On August 11, in Hebron, NH, Tracy Tilson, President & Founder of Tilson PR, celebrated the Grand Opening of her satellite office in a 130-year-old, one-room schoolhouse in Hebron, NH. Tracy opened up her PR firm in Boca Raton, FL close to 30 years ago and has found her way back to her NH roots. At age five, the Tilson family relocated from Long Island, NY to Wentworth, NH where Tracy ultimately graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in communications.
The East Hebron Schoolhouse served Hebron students from 1888 to 1942. The celebration included a presentation by New Hampshire’s rural, one-room schoolhouse historian, Steve Taylor, and former Hebron Schoolhouse students and Hebron community members joined in the festivities. Much of the authentic schoolhouse furniture, floorboards, wooden desks, slate chalkboard and outhouse have been kept intact.